Shawarma Code

Is one of the best shawarma restaurants in Riyadh. It offers the best types of shawarma and burgers, and they have a great demand for their special dishes. Due to the great competition in the restaurant sector, Shawarma Code needed to increase the number of their customers and increase their profit rate. They saw D10 and their experts as the perfect solution to improve their return on investment. We held our first meeting with Shawarma Code, then we conducted a comprehensive study that included studying the project and the competitors, and we determined their positioning in the market, and we determined the biggest challenges that the project will face in the future.
We developed a marketing plan suitable for Shawarma Code restaurant. Our team started working on improving social networking sites and making improvements to the Google Maps account. Our work included creating designs and videos with out-of-the-box ideas that motivate customers to come to the restaurant. Then we launched our advertising campaigns, which included exceptional offers. After 26 days, the sales index started to rise, and our experts were able to bring new customers to the restaurant. And by using the latest growth marketing techniques, we were able to keep the restaurant's new customers.


Shawarma Code


Shawarma Restaurant

Service Type

Advertising campaign and marketing ideas

المنصّات المُستخدمة

أعمالنا مع شاورما كود

النّتائج التي حقّقناها

نسبة زيادة المبيعات

نسبة زيادة المبيعات

170 %

زيادة عدد الطلبات

زيادة عدد الطلبات

140 %

طلبات التوجه إلى المحل

طلبات التوجه إلى المحل

995 طلبا شهريا

عدد مشاهدات العلامة التجاريّة

عدد مشاهدات العلامة التجاريّة

57.000 شهريا